Realised with DF
Here you can find current and completed projects and initiatives realised with in collaboration with Design Factory facilities. Some of the ongoing projects can be joined.
Computational design and fabrication 1
Factory: DF CC
Status: ongoing
Project week - Computational design and fabrication
Factory: DF CC
Status: ongoing
Earth-additive manufacturing
Factory: DF CC
Status: ongoing
Timber-earth slab
Factory: DF CC - DF 1:1
Status: ongoing
Spatial AI for collaborative construction robotics
Factory: DF CC
Status: ongoing
Climate-award robotic envelopes
Factory: DF CC
Status: ongoing
Human-robot cooperative assembly
Factory: DF CC
Status: ongoing
Mobile robotics for additive manufacturing in construction
Factory: DF CC
Status: ongoing
Cooperative mobile brickwork
Factory: DF CC
Status: completed
Lox: collective AR-assisted assembly of topological interlocking structures
Factory: DF CC - DF 1:1
Status: completed
Climate-active bricks
Factory: DF CC - DF 1:1
Status: ongoing
TUM bioregional design lab
Factory: DF 1:1
Status: completed
A4F infostände zirculäres bauen
Factory: DF 1:1
Status: completed
Timber vault asymptotic geodesic gridshell
Factory: DF 1:1
Status: completed
Badzellen zerlegen
Factory: DF 1:1
Status: completed
Baubotanic Arbor Kitchen
Factory: DF 1:1
Status: completed
Mobile additive manufacturing: clay formworks
Factory: DF 1:1
Status: completed
Co-creating spatial practice
Factory: DF 1:1
Status: completed
Galerie DF 1:1
Factory: DF 1:1
Status: completed
Gute Orte
Factory: DF 1:1
Status: completed
Kinetic umbrella
Factory: DF 1:1
Status: completed
Learning by doing: nubian vault
Factory: DF 1:1
Status: completed
Factory: DF 1:1
Status: completed
Shadow transitions: connecting neighbourhoods in Neuperlach
Factory: DF 1:1
Status: completed
Projektwoche “Ziegel hybrid”
Factory: DF 1:1
Status: completed